Birthday Gram Spirit Sticks
For just $1, we'll deliver a special birthday Spirit Stick to your child on their birthday or half-birthday. Simply complete the attached form and return with payment in your child's agenda. We'll mark our calendars and be sure your child gets their special Spirit Stick on their birthday (or the Friday before if it is on a weekend). Happy Spirit Sticking!
Birthday Gram Flyer |
Boo Grams!
Treat your child, grandchild, friend, teacher or staff member to a Halloween Boo Gram delivered to their classroom on October 31st! Each Boo Gram will be delivered with an Dum Dum Ghost or a Halloween Mini Pop It
PLUS your personalized greet card, see image of form below.
Download form here, or get a copy from the office if you need more than what was sent home with your child(ren).
PLUS your personalized greet card, see image of form below.
Download form here, or get a copy from the office if you need more than what was sent home with your child(ren).
boo_grams.pdf |
Valentines Grams
Treat your child, grandchild, friend, teacher, or staff member to a Valentine Gram delivered to their classroom on February 10! Each Valentine Gram will be delivered with either a Valentine slap bracelet or Valentine spirit stick.
2024_valentine_gram.png |